Hello SBNF Adopt-A-Trail volunteers and liaisons. As you have no doubt noticed there has not been a normal level of information released by either the Forest Service or the Adopt-A-Trail leadership team regarding our program in the recent months. Due to structure and personnel changes inside the US Forest Service some of the details regarding management of the Adopt-A-Trail program have been in limbo.
Greg Hoffman, our long-time Volunteer Liaison has recently retired and is no longer affiliated with the US Forest Service. Greg gave many years to the program and did a fantastic job building the best motorized Adopt-A-Trail program across the country; without his efforts this program would not be 3,000 volunteers strong. We are all going to miss his leadership, insight, and company in the forest.
We wanted to let you know that your leadership team is working hard behind the scenes to build agreements with the Forest Service so that we can continue to do the work we are passionate about without additional frustration or burden for you, our esteemed volunteers. We have met with various people from the San Bernardino National Forest as well as Region 5 (all California National Forests) personnel and are exploring all options to continue to have the best Adopt-A-Trail program and make it even better.
Right now we encourage everybody to continue with the program. The only action item necessary for club liaisons at this time is to ensure your volunteer agreement has been submitted or is submitted ASAP. If you are unsure whether you have a current volunteer agreement, please reach out to the leadership team, and we will look into it. If necessary, we can assist you with a new agreement by providing the necessary paperwork and instructions. Please note that per USFS policy we are not supposed to be in the field doing work without a signed agreement.
Please feel free to ask any questions you have but understand that we may not have answers to many of them at the moment since we are still working out the details of program management.
Thank you for understanding, being a volunteer, and making this a world class Adopt-A-Trail group.
G. Sequoia Armstrong
Ryan Primosch
Carol Ledbetter
Don Alexander
Quinn Thomas
Angela Cook
Steve Gardiner
SBNF Adopt-A-Trail Leadership Team
SBNF Friends Board of Directors